Radiometrics® The MP-3000A Thermodynamic Profiler User’s Group Symposium is to be held in conjunction with the 2nd Annual New York State Mesonet Symposium at State University of New York, Albany, NY.
Radiometrics® is hosting a first-ever MP-3000A Thermodynamic Profiler User’s Group Symposium on Monday, September 12, 2022 prior to the 2nd Annual New York State Mesonet Symposium (September 13-14, 2022). All events will be held at the University at Albany’s brand-new ETEC building. The university will offer video conferencing for those unable to attend in person. The morning sessions of the Conference will focus on advances in radiometry and atmospheric research, while the afternoon will address practical applications for industry with an emphasis on the New York State Mesonet. Radiometrics® will host a Lunch and Learn to present the SkyCast® wind and Thermodynamic Profiling system, reviewing benefits and customer experiences from both airport and spaceport installations. Registration is free including lunch. This symposium is recommended for anyone interested in applying radiometer data to research, forecasting, modeling, or business applications as well as those with a desire to enhance performance for existing MP-3000A users should attend.
The New York State Mesonet is a network of 126 weather stations across the state, with at least one site in every county and borough. Each of the 126 stations measures temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, pressure, solar radiation, snow depth, and soil information. In addition, several sub-networks of specialty sites have been deployed. A Profiler Network of 17 sites provides additional atmospheric data in the vertical (up to 6 miles above ground); a Flux Network of 17 stations monitors the surface energy budget; and a Snow Network of 20 sites measures snow water content. Operated by the University at Albany, the New York State Mesonet collects, archives, and processes data in real-time every 5 minutes, feeding weather prediction models and decision-support tools for users across the greater New York region. For more information, visit: or contact Radiometrics® at [email protected].
Below is the link to the uploaded video